Bathe with hot water in winter but remember these things so that other diseases do not get caught

Bathe with hot water in winter but remember these things so that other diseases do not get caught

Side Effects of Hot Water: The cold weather has knocked. Although it is getting cold in the morning and evening, but people have taken out their winter clothes and have started avoiding cold water. You must also be taking a bath with hot water in the winter season. Many people think that bathing with hot … Read more

Keep these things in mind while bathing in hot water, dryness will not hurt

Keep these things in mind while bathing in hot water, dryness will not hurt

Hot Water Bath: Bathing with hot water in cold weather has its own fun. The first thing is that one has the courage to take a bath in cold weather only when there is hot water in the bathroom. Secondly, hot water removes the effect of cold and works to fill energy in the body. … Read more