Can high blood pressure also give blood clots? Know the truth

Can high blood pressure also give blood clots? Know the truth

High (hypertension) PA can increase to a large extent the risk of blood clots in the brain. Because it damages the walls of the brain veins. Due to which the chances of clotting are increased in them. Due to which a blood clot in the brain and blood circulation. Due to which the risk of … Read more

How far is high blood pressure? Learn when the brain vein can burst

How far is high blood pressure? Learn when the brain vein can burst

Due to high blood pressure, the brain’s vein can be low. And sometimes it happens that because of excessive pressure, the brain vein bursts. Later, the risk of bleeding, coagulation and stroke increases inside the brain. However, it is very important to note that each person with a strong BP is often afraid to burst … Read more