It is right to drink so much water everyday in the summer season, you will stay away from many diseases.

How Much Water To Drink Everyday: Water is very important to keep our body hydrated. Like the earth cannot be imagined without water. In the same way the life of a human being cannot be imagined. The body needs more or less water according to the season. You can stay hydrated even if you drink … Read more

From children to the elderly… this is the first symptom of dehydration

Dehydration Prevention Tips: Lack of water in the body is called dehydration. More than 70 percent of our body is made up of fluid. That’s why water is very important for our body. If water retention in the body persists for a long time and you are not able to identify it on the basis … Read more

From restlessness to excessive anger, these diseases are caused by drinking more water, the risk of coma

Summer Health Tips: Not only when thirsty, but drinking water in summer is also very important to keep the body hydrated. But if this water is consumed in excess, it can become the cause of disease. Here you are being given information about how to know whether you are drinking more or less water. Why … Read more

Is there a schedule for drinking water too? learn here

Everyone drinks water, but very few people know how to drink it and what is its correct schedule. If there is not enough amount of water in the body then the problem of dehydration starts. Due to this the person may have nervousness, restlessness, headache etc. Where a healthy person should drink 8 to 10 … Read more