The risk of fungal infection increases during the rainy season… If you follow these tips, you will not be able to touch

Fungal Infections In Monsoon: Rain brings relief after the scorching heat, but it also brings with it the risk of many diseases and infections. We all know that the risk of fungal infection increases manifold during the rainy season. Due to getting wet in rain or staying in water for a long time, fungal infections … Read more

There is a risk of this type of infection in the rain, know how to protect

Skin Allergies In Rain: Seasonal diseases spread rapidly in monsoon. During rains, there is moisture in the air, due to which the risk of fungal and bacterial infections also increases. There are many types of skin allergies in this season. If your skin is infection prone then you need to be more careful. In this … Read more

There may be a problem of fungal infection in the rainy season, avoid these ways

Fungal Infection: There may be a problem of fungal infection in the rainy season, prevent it with these methods. Source link