Hypertension can also cause sudden death, to avoid it, make these 6 changes in lifestyle

Hypertension: Hypertension or high blood pressure is such a disease, which if not treated on time, can also cause sudden death. This condition arises when the blood pressure in the arteries increases. Although the blood pressure increases and decreases many times throughout the day, but when this condition persists for a long time, then the … Read more

There will be no problem of diabetes and high BP… keep these guidelines of WHO in mind

WHO Guidelines For Healthy Life: The problem of diabetes and high blood pressure is rapidly affecting the youth, to avoid this, some health suggestions are issued from time to time by the World Health Organisation. Along with this, many medical researches are also published. Among the health problems that are being seen a lot after … Read more

Only medicines cannot be the treatment of high BP, you have to take care of all these

Hypertension Treatment: How to control the problem of BP, it largely depends on what is the actual condition of BP. That is, how high is the BP of a person, what are the reasons for high BP, what is the age of the person, what is his lifestyle and food habits. All these things affect … Read more