If this is happening to you at night, then understand that you are sleeping well.

Quality Sleep Sign: Our health is closely related to our sleep. Doctors often say that to live a healthy life, along with good food and drink, good sleep is needed. If you do not get proper sleep, there is a possibility of many diseases. There are some of us who feel sleepy and lethargic during … Read more

These methods work like magic, sleep comes as soon as you lie on the bed

How to get sleep fast: There are many things in life, which we get annoyed due to not being able to do it or not being able to do it on time and our irritability increases, when we can not sleep or sleep is not complete (Lack of sleep) then this state is at its … Read more

At what age, how many hours of sleep does your body want, know here

Relation Between Sleeping Hours And Age: Children need more sleep than adults. Because children’s brain is developing while sleeping. This is the reason why young children sleep more than adults and as the age progresses, the sleep hours keep on decreasing. However, the formula of fixed sleep of 7 to 8 hours is applicable to … Read more