If you cross the age of 60, then keep a close eye on these symptoms of ‘heart attack’, know how to protect?

Satish Kaushik Death: After the celebration of Holi, a sad news has shocked everyone. Who would have thought that Bollywood’s famous actor Satish Kaushik, who had spread happiness in Holi celebrations a day earlier, would pass away a few hours later. Satish Kaushik, who left an impression of his acting on many people, has died … Read more

Be careful! This bad sleep will make the heart sick, revealed in a study on 3 lakh people

Heart Attack Symptoms: Celebrities have had heart attacks. Many such news have come to the fore. Sushmita Sen’s recent heart attack and angioplasty are in headlines. Sushmita Sen has been the youth icon of the country. In such a situation, having a heart related problem at such a young age is a matter of concern … Read more

Heart Disease: IIT researchers discovered such a cardiac protein… Damage will make the heart fit

Heart Attack Symptoms: Relieving news has come to the fore regarding the treatment of the heart. Till now, the chances of recovery from heart damage were very less. The treatment is so expensive that the common man cannot afford it. Now the team of Biosciences and Bioengineering Department of IIT Guwahati has developed the Recombinant … Read more

This chest pain is due to heart attack or the reason is something else… identify with these symptoms

Heart Attack Symptoms: The year 2022 was not good in terms of heart. Many celebrities died during this period. famous comedian Raju Srivastava Had died due to heart attack. But before the heart attack, the body gives some indication. Those symptoms need to be recognized immediately. But the pain in the chest is rising. Is … Read more

Cases of death due to heart attack increased in the year 2022, be careful with these heart hazards in the new year

Heart Attack: December is underway. After a few days, we will enter the new year in January 2023. In terms of health, Kovid has not been so effective this year. The knock of many new viruses definitely forced people to fear. That’s where the biggest danger emerged. He had cardiac arrest and heart attack. Many … Read more

If you want to avoid heart attack, then do this work daily, your heart will be very happy

Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack: The number of people dying of heart attack is increasing day by day all over the world. Not only the elderly, but young children are also becoming victims of heart attack. According to WHO, there are 1.28 billion people in the whole world whose BP is increased. Only 46 percent … Read more

If you make these necessary changes in your routine then you will be saved from heart attack.

Health Advice: For some time now a trend is being seen that people who do a lot of physical activities and spend hours in the gym are also becoming victims of heart attacks. In such a situation, many people are stopping doing physical activity, but according to new research, if you have had a heart … Read more

Women can avoid heart attack if they recognize these 12 symptoms

Heart Problem: Heart disease is a disease related to lifestyle. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity start arising due to bad lifestyle. Their direct link is related to the heart. The heart gives many indications before a heart attack occurs. Dil tries to tell that he is having trouble. If they are recognized in time, then … Read more