Do you also eat injected red watermelon? How to identify real and fake watermelon?

Watermelon injected: Summer season means watermelon season. This fruit is widely consumed during this season. It also has many advantages. It contains 92% water and 6% sugar. Watermelon becomes more beneficial in summer due to its rich fiber content, but nowadays such watermelons have come in the market in which their color is made red … Read more

Eat watermelon whole in summer, buy sweet and chemical free watermelon like this

Adulteration In Watermelon: Watermelon is the most consumed fruit in summer. Red, pink and yellow watermelons are as delicious as they look, they look equally beautiful. This is the reason that seeing their shame, one cannot live without eating them. Not only the taste but also there are many health benefits of eating watermelon in … Read more