जानें किस बीमारी से बचाव के लिए लगती है HPV वैक्सीन, आजकल क्यों चर्चा में है

HPV Vaccine : 1 फरवरी को अंतरिम बजट पेश करते हुए वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने 9 से लेकर 14 साल की लड़कियों के लिए मुफ्त सर्वाइकल कैंसर की वैक्सीन लगाने का ऐलान किया, इसके अगले ही दिन फेक खबर आई कि एक्ट्रेस और मॉडल पूनम पांडेय की मौत सर्वाइकल कैंसर (cervical cancer) से हो गई. … Read more

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Should Only Women Get Vaccinated? 5 FAQs Answered by Expert

Home Health Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Should Only Women Get Vaccinated? 5 FAQs Answered by Expert Cervical cancer is a growing concern but it is also preventable. Having awareness is the key to take the right precautions at the right time. DOCTOR VERIFIED Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Should Only Women Get Vaccinated? 5 FAQs Answered … Read more

Cervical Cancer: 6 Ways to Prevent HPV Infection in Women Above 30

Home Health Cervical Cancer: 6 Ways to Prevent HPV Infection in Women Above 30 The journey to prevention is a deeply personal one, and these simple yet impactful choices can truly transform lives. It is vital for women to have regular screenings to keep a check on their health. Cervical Cancer: 6 Ways to Prevent … Read more

What is HPV Vaccine? Concerns, Potential Side Effects And Everything Else You Should Know

House Health What is the HPV vaccine? Concerns, Possible Side Effects, and Everything Else You Need to Know HPV infections are frequently spread through sexual intercourse or other skin-to-skin contact. The HPV strains that are most likely to cause genital warts or cervical cancer can be prevented with vaccines. What is the HPV vaccine? Concerns, … Read more

Vaccine: Know about the cervical cancer vaccine, when, where and how you can get the vaccine

HPV Vaccine: Cervical cancer vaccine, one of the deadly disease launched in India, has been made to eliminate this disease. The name of this Made in India vaccine is Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV Vaccine). Actually, this vaccine eliminates the virus HPV found in this cancer. Therefore, if this vaccine is applied to young children … Read more