If you eat food in a hurry, then know the average time of eating food

Health Tips: Health is our capital and for this health we eat food, but in today’s run-of-the-mill life, we have completely forgotten to eat slowly and comfortably. We deal with eating food in a hurry like any other work. This is the reason why man is sick today. People are facing 100 types of problems. … Read more

Unhealthy Foods for Kids: Never give these things to children in a hurry for lunch

Kids Lunchbox Packing Tips: Many times it would happen that in a hurry, you pack and give chips, Maggi, readymade cakes and many such things to the children in a hurry, which takes less effort. But you know how much harm this flurry of yours can cause to children’s health. Yes, today we are telling … Read more

Never brush in a hurry, otherwise these diseases can happen

Brush your Teeth Regularly: Never brush in haste, otherwise these diseases may happen. Source link