बदलते मौसम में खाएं ये 5 सुपर फूड्स, इम्युनिटी बूस्ट के साथ ही मिलेंगे अनेकों फायदे

बदलते मौसम में खाएं ये 5 सुपर फूड्स, इम्युनिटी बूस्ट के साथ ही मिलेंगे अनेकों फायदे

सर्दियां जा रही हैं और गर्मियां आने वाली है, जैसे इस मौसम में पता ही नहीं लगता ठंड के कपड़े पहनें या गर्मियों के वैसे ही यह जान पाना भी मुश्किल होता है कि विंटर स्किनकेयर फॉलो करें या फिर समर रूटीन. क्योंकि डीप नरिशमेंट वाले मॉइश्चराइजर को लगाने से स्किन ऑयली महसूस करती है … Read more

Beetroot can remove these 6 problems in pregnancy, know how to eat

Beetroot can remove these 6 problems in pregnancy, know how to eat

Beetroot During Pregnancy:Pregnancy is such a stage in which women have to take great care of their diet and food. Because if there is a lack of nutrients, it will directly affect the development of the child. Eating well does not cause problems in the womb, and the child also remains healthy. At the same … Read more

Now no tension due to changing weather! Follow these Ayurvedic tips to strengthen immunity

Now no tension due to changing weather!  Follow these Ayurvedic tips to strengthen immunity

Immunity Boosting Tips: The changing weather brings with it infections and many diseases, to avoid this it becomes very important to strengthen immunity. That is why it is good to include some healthy things in your diet. Also, people often fall ill in this season, Ayurveda believes that we should keep our digestion strong. This … Read more