This cancer does not give indication in women for 5 years, be careful like this

Cancer Treatment: Due to changing lifestyle, diseases are making their home in the body. Diseases like high blood pressure, sugar, obesity are the result of lifestyle changes. Cancer is also one of such deadly diseases. Once in the body, it becomes lethal. Cancer is one of such diseases. If cancer is detected at an early … Read more

Urine coming again and again, is there any indication of these diseases?

Urinating is a routine process of daily life. The doctor himself says that urine should be taken on time. Don’t try to stop it. Due to this, the sac of urine can burst at the internal level. Sometimes this problem can even cost life. But then the urine becomes abnormal. When it started coming again … Read more

Jaundice not going away? Is it an indication of cancer… read this news

It is not known when to get which disease. With some diseases, a person takes life, but there are some diseases that make the person sleep before premature death. Cancer is one of them disease. The growth of cancer is the growth of cells of the body from an uncontrolled level. If the cells of … Read more

Nails give indication of these diseases, be alert on sight

Yellow nails Often you must have seen the yellowness of your nails. This yellowness can also be due to applying nail polish for a long time. However, it is very important to pay attention to other types of changes around the nails as well. If the skin around your nails is turning yellow, then it … Read more