Diabetic patients should eat these green leaves daily in winter, you will be surprised to know the benefits.

Diabetic patients should eat these green leaves daily in winter, you will be surprised to know the benefits.

Curry leaves are used in many foods to enhance their taste and aroma. But in addition to improving the taste, including it in the diet also increases the nutritional value of the food. Laxative properties are found in curry leaves which are rich in medicinal properties. At the same time, they are also found to … Read more

Moringa for diabetes: Can sahjan regulate high blood sugar levels? Here is what we know

Moringa for diabetes: Can sahjan regulate high blood sugar levels? Here is what we know

Home Health Moringa for diabetes: Can sahjan regulate high blood sugar levels? This is what we know Moringa is known to have several health benefits. But it is also beneficial for people living with diabetes. Read on to find out. Moringa for diabetes (Freepik) Diabetes is a growing epidemic throughout the world. In a recent … Read more

How is insulin given to diabetic patients made?

How is insulin given to diabetic patients made?

Insulin : Insulin is a type of hormone that is produced naturally inside the body. It is also manufactured artificially outside. The role of insulin is to control blood glucose levels. Some diabetic patients need insulin. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and many other body functions. To keep the body active, the production and … Read more

What things can naturally increase insulin in the body? Helpful thing for diabetic patients

What things can naturally increase insulin in the body? Helpful thing for diabetic patients

Whenever blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas controls it by producing insulin. Whenever we eat food, the nutrients in it naturally produce insulin in our body. Research shows that a diet rich in protein and healthy fats helps increase insulin levels in diabetic patients. Plant protein sources The proteins we eat are broken down into … Read more

The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this slow poison is deposited.

The body only needs a limited amount of sugar.  If you eat more, know where this slow poison is deposited.

Sugar Consumption: The body only needs a limited amount of sugar. If you eat more, know where this “slow poison” is deposited. Source link

Moringa For Diabetes: Do Drumstick Leaves Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels? All You Need to Know

Moringa For Diabetes: Do Drumstick Leaves Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels? All You Need to Know

Home Health Moringa For Diabetes: Do Drumstick Leaves Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels? All You Need to Know Diabetes tends to fluctuate during the winter season. Diet plays a pivotal role and moringa leaves can be a good addition for diabetics. Here is how it may be beneficial for blood sugar control. Moringa For Diabetes: … Read more

How nanotech could make taking insulin safer and easier – ET HealthWorld

How nanotech could make taking insulin safer and easier – ET HealthWorld

Sydney: People with diabetes may soon be able to replace injections with more palatable oral forms of insulin, such as sugar-free chocolate, thanks to advances in nanotechnology. Insulin injections are a daily reality for many of the 150 to 200 million people globally who need insulin. Everyone with type 1 diabetes needs insulin, and 20 … Read more

सर्दियों में ज्यादा अंडा खाना भी हो सकता है खतरनाक, बढ़ सकता है हार्ट अटैक का जोखिम

सर्दियों में ज्यादा अंडा खाना भी हो सकता है खतरनाक, बढ़ सकता है हार्ट अटैक का जोखिम

ज्यादातर घरों में हर रोज अंडा खाया जाता है. अंडा में भरपूर मात्रा में प्रोटीन, विटामिन बी2 (राइबोफ्लेविन), विटामिन बी12, विटामिन डी, कोलीन, आयरन और फोलेट सहित विभिन्न आवश्यक पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर है. रोजाना अंडा खाने से शरीर का भरपूर विकास होता है. लेकिन इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता है कि अंडा हेल्दी होने … Read more