Mood becomes irritable as soon as he hears his own evil, is he a victim of this disease?

Mood becomes irritable as soon as he hears his own evil, is he a victim of this disease?

Mental Problem: Everyone likes to hear their own praise. People want the world to praise them, but those who are praised, their works are also like this. One who does good, praises him and one who does bad is evil. This is the rule of society, but no one is doing good work and if … Read more

What is Pre Menstrual Syndrome which makes women irritable

What is Pre Menstrual Syndrome which makes women irritable

When Does Pms Start: PMS means Pre Menstrual Syndrome. A few days before women have their periods every month, there are many changes in hormones. In this condition, a couple of weeks before the period, changes are seen in many types of physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms inside women. Although these symptoms are different in … Read more