बच्चों में दिखें ये लक्षण तो तुरंत हो जाएं सावधान, नहीं तो झेलनी पड़ सकती है भारी परेशानी…

<div dir="auto" style="text-align: justify;"><strong><span class="termHighlighted">Kids</span> Care Tips: </strong>कोरोना और लॉकडाउन के बाद से ही बच्चों में एक अलग तरह की बीमारी देखने को मिल रही है. बच्चों के डॉक्टर के मुताबिक, इसकी वजह से बच्चों में पढ़ने-लिखने की क्षमता कम हो गई&nbsp; है और चीजों को वे जल्दी भूल जा रहे हैं. यही वजह है … Read more

अगर नए जूतों से पड़ गए हैं छाले तो,जानें तुरंत कैसे मिलेगा आराम

Shoe Bite Remedies : नए जूतों से होने वाली शू बाइट की समस्या लगभग हर किसी को कभी न कभी होती है. जब हम नए जूते पहनते हैं, तो उनका कठोर और खुरदरा सोल हमारी नाजुक पैर की त्वचा को छिल देता है. इससे पैरों में लाल चकत्ते, दर्द, सूजन और कभी-कभी छोटे छोटे घाव … Read more

How safe is it to apply lemon directly on the face? If you also do this then definitely read this news

Directly Rubbing Lemon On Face: Many types of home remedies are used to make the face spotless and refined. One of these very powerful remedies is lemon. It is used by almost everyone because lemon juice has Vitamin C. Citric acid, an alpha hydroxy acid, is present. Which is considered very effective in cleansing the … Read more

If there is a fire in the liver, then you cannot sit peacefully, know here the causes and solutions of liver irritation

Liver irritation: You must have heard this Bollywood song ‘Bidi Jalile Jigar Se Piya, Jigar Ma Badi Aag Hai…’ No matter how much you tremble after listening to the song, but when there is a fire in the liver in real life, then it becomes difficult even to stop walking. Is. If you say liver, … Read more

What should be done immediately if the skin is burnt so that the irritation does not increase and the scars do not deepen

Skin Burn Remedies: A sudden drop of hot tea, coffee or milk on the skin causes very severe burning. It often happens that when steam or hot oil splashes on the skin while working in the kitchen, sometimes the bowl of hot lentils is reversed from the dining table… that is, overall, the incident of … Read more

Do not eat these things in the beginning of the day, the problem of stomach irritation and acidity will remain away

How to control Acidity: Do you have stomach irritation, heartburn or acidity? If yes, then do not consume the things mentioned here in the morning. Especially on an empty stomach, these things should not be eaten at all. Because doing so can make the situation worse. People who regularly consume these things on an empty … Read more

Health Tips: If you are troubled by acidity and stomach irritation, then follow these home remedies

Health TipsIf you are also troubled by acidity and stomach irritation, then this news is for you only. Yes, by adopting these home remedies, you can get rid of these problems at home in no time. Actually, now the problem of acidity is becoming common. The most common symptoms are severe abdominal pain, burning, bloating, … Read more