TV actress Shivangi Joshi has kidney infection, do not ignore such symptoms in the body

Kidney Infection Symptoms: Famous TV actress Shivangi Joshi has shared a post on Instagram updating her fans and followers about her latest health. Sharing a picture of herself in the hospital, Shivangi has updated that she was admitted due to kidney infection. In the picture you can see Shivangi drinking coconut water and with this … Read more

Holding urine is very dangerous, don’t make this mistake even by mistake! Otherwise these problems can happen

Urine Problem: Passing urine is a natural process. In summer the person passes less urine, whereas in winter one has to pass more for urine. In fact, in summer, water leaves the body in the form of sweat, whereas in winter, such a situation does not happen. For this reason, more urine comes in summer. … Read more

If you are going to the bathroom, be careful… serious infection can happen here too.

Urine Infection Symptoms: After Corona, the word infection is in big trend. There is also a reason, which has worsened the condition of the world due to Corona infection. But only the infection floating in the air is not harmful. Bacterial and virus infections present on the surrounding surface are of serious nature. People use … Read more