What is Strep A Infection? Who killed 6 children in UK

Strep A Infection Treatment: Kovid has shaken the world economy in the last two years. Crores of people in the country and the world have come under the grip of this virus. Lakhs of people also lost their lives. After Kovid, people have started being conscious about health. At the same time, after Kovid, many … Read more

The gene that caused cancer also killed it, the woman won the battle with 5 cancers

Cancer Research: Cancer is a life-threatening disease, once it occurs, the chances of its cure are very less. Tumor is an uncontrolled growth of cells. It is not necessary that every lump is cancerous, but it is not that every lump is not cancerous. Doctors say that if any lump is seen anywhere in the … Read more

10 big things: 100 million animals are killed every year in the name of research

Research On Animals: today World Welfare Animal Day Is. The purpose of this day is to talk about animal protection in the world, if any species is in danger then it is to be saved. If an animal is being tortured, then the animal has to be protected from its hands too, but today we … Read more