Passing time on TV, laptop, mobile all the time… Are you in the grip of cyber sickness?

Disease: Mobile has an important contribution in today’s lifestyle. Be it child or old, adult or youth, whether male or female. You must have seen fingers trembling on mobile. There will be very few people who are not using mobile. While using mobile, when the minutes turn into hours. Don’t know. People who can’t use … Read more

Eyes Pain: If you want to save your eyes then bring these changes in the habit of working on laptop for hours.

Eyes Pain: In today’s time all the work remains incomplete without computer. Office work or work from home cannot be done without a laptop. This whole day’s work depends on our eyes. You have to work continuously by looking at the system for 9 hours. Is it right to expose eyes to bright light for … Read more

World Sight Day: Can Increased Screen Time Cause Sight Related Diseases?

World Vision Day: This year World Sight Day is being observed on Thursday, October 13. It is an annual global event aimed at drawing attention to blindness and vision impairment. Here we discuss the impact of increased screen time exposure on our eyes and related problems.Also Read – Twitter introduced a new feature, making it … Read more

Is infertility increasing in men due to the use of laptop, know how true this thing is

Infertility in Men: Along with women, the graph of infertility in men is also increasing continuously. The reason for the problem is the same, the interference of many unnecessary things in the changed lifestyle and excessive use. For example, excessive use of tight fitting jeans and high heels of women makes them sick and infertile. … Read more

The waist gets answered while working on the laptop throughout the day, so relax in these ways

Back Pain Relief: At the time of lockdown, more than half of the companies have the option of work from home.While taking out the licence, he had asked his employees to work from home. However, some companies have made work from home forever. In such a situation, the physical activity of the employees who work … Read more

Excessive Screen Time, Blue Light From Gadgets Linked To Obesity, Psychological Problems, Early Aging: Study

Too much screen time can cause obesity and mental problems in people, said a study. “Overexposure to blue light from TVs, laptops and phones can have harmful effects on a wide range of cells in our body, from skin and fat cells to sensory neurons,” said one researcher. “Avoiding exposure to excessive blue light may … Read more

Hands start hurting by running fingers on computer or laptop, then these measures will remove the pain of hands

Pain In Work From Home: Since Corona, most people are working from home. In such a situation, the problem of back pain and posture has increased due to working in the wrong way for hours. Sometimes typing on computer and laptop for a long time also causes pain in hands, wrists and fingers. If the … Read more