Why does blood pressure suddenly start to drop in summer? Know the connection between blood pressure and heat.

Blood pressure in summer: The risk of disease increases when the weather changes. Problems can increase especially during the summer season. Health experts say our health But The weather has a lot of influence. Many diseases can thus increase. It’s extremely hot these days. The temperature in many places is around 45 degrees. Which can … Read more

Low Blood Pressure Diet: 7 Effective Drinks to Manage Hypotension Naturally

Home Health Low Blood Pressure Diet: 7 Effective Drinks to Manage Hypotension Naturally If you’re dealing with hypotension, here are 7 drinks that can work to raise your blood pressure. Read on! Hypotension is a medical term for abnormally low blood pressure. Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries … Read more

Hypertension can also cause sudden death, to avoid it, make these 6 changes in lifestyle

Hypertension: Hypertension or high blood pressure is such a disease, which if not treated on time, can also cause sudden death. This condition arises when the blood pressure in the arteries increases. Although the blood pressure increases and decreases many times throughout the day, but when this condition persists for a long time, then the … Read more

If your blood pressure is ‘low’ then do your treatment at home like this

Low Blood Pressure Home Remedy: Many times such diseases occur in the body, which we often mistake for normal and do not pay attention to their treatment. One such disease is that of low blood pressure, which affects many people across the world. Many times people do not recognize the symptoms of this disease and … Read more

Attention Low blood pressure remains? Its dangers will be astonishing

Low Blood Pressure Problem: To be healthy, it is necessary to have healthy blood pressure. Heart sends blood to all parts of the body. All the organs get essential nutrients including oxygen, iron from the blood itself. If the blood pressure is normal, the heart does not have to work much, but if the blood … Read more

Mulayam Singh Yadav was battling these diseases, know what to do if symptoms appear

Mulayam Singh Yadav Diseases: Mulayam Singh Yadav, the founder of Samajwadi Party and three-time Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, died at 8:16 am on Monday. Mulayam Singh Yadav was 82 years old and he was suffering from many diseases. Generally, such diseases surround themselves in increasing age. But due to the changed lifestyle and eating … Read more

Low Blood Pressure: 5 Effective Home Remedies You Need to Follow to Treat Hypertension

Blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg is known as hypertension or low blood pressure. It is a disorder that can develop on its own or as a symptom of various ailments. Depending on the cause, hypotension can affect people of any background and age. Sometimes sufferers may experience symptoms like fainting, lightheadedness or dizziness, blurred vision, … Read more

Low Blood Pressure: 5 Effective Home Remedies You Need to Follow to Treat Hypotension

Blood pressure below 90/60 mmHg is known as hypotension or low blood pressure. It is a disorder that can develop on its own or as a symptom of various illnesses. Depending on the cause, hypotension can affect people of any background and age. Sometimes sufferers may experience symptoms like fainting, lightheadedness or dizziness, blurred vision, … Read more