Fever is the common factor in Malaria, Corona and H3N2, it makes prey in this way, know what is it then

Health Tips : Malaria, Kovid-19 and H3N2 have fever in all the three diseases. Malaria has been there for a long time, while in the last few years we have also seen the havoc of Corona and now for a few months many cases of H3N2 virus are also being seen. There is a common … Read more

If you are suffering from malaria, then adopt this Ayurvedic treatment, you will get relief

Malaria Precaution And Home Remedies: With the arrival of the rainy season, the threat of malaria and dengue starts troubling. Malaria is a dangerous disease caused by mosquito bites. It is considered one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Malaria is spread through the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. To avoid the … Read more