Know the Best Hospital for Why Bone Marrow Transplant is done – GoMedii

Bone marrow transplant is needed in those diseases in which due to some reason there is damage i.e. when the bone marrow stops working. Bone marrow transplant requires that the patient’s bone marrow matches the donor’s bone marrow. It is also necessary to match the human leukocyte antigen ie ‘HLA’. If the HLA matches 100%, … Read more

What are the symptoms of bone marrow cancer and how is it treated? – GoMedii

Due to the lack of calcium in our body, bones and teeth become weak, apart from this, the risk of many diseases in the body also increases. Calcium deficiency is more especially in women. Let us tell you that calcium deficiency is more often seen in lactating women and women over 40. This happens with … Read more

Which are the best hospitals for bone marrow transplant treatment? – GoMedii

Bone marrow transplant is needed in those diseases in which there is damage due to some reason i.e. when the bone marrow stops working. Bone marrow transplant is done when the patient’s bone marrow matches with the donor’s bone marrow, only then there is a successful bone marrow. It is also necessary to match the … Read more