Death rate is increasing due to air pollution and guidelines have been issued to tackle it

Death rate is increasing due to air pollution and guidelines have been issued to tackle it

A report published in Lancet Planetary Health has highlighted hazardous air quality in 10 major Indian cities. It found that around 33,000 deaths per year are linked to air pollution levels exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The study analyzed data from Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Shimla and Varanasi between 2008 … Read more

क्या घर के अंदर रहने और मास्क लगाने से नहीं पड़ेगा प्रदूषण का असर, जानें क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट

क्या घर के अंदर रहने और मास्क लगाने से नहीं पड़ेगा प्रदूषण का असर, जानें क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट

Air Pollution : दिल्ली-एनसीआर की हवा काफी खराब हो गई है. वायु प्रदूषण के कारण सांस लेना भी दूभर हो गया है. AQI 500 के पार है और लोगों की परेशानियां बढ़ गई हैं. अस्पतालों में सांस के मरीजों की संख्या लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है. अस्थमा और ब्रोंकाइटिस के मरीजों की संख्या में भी इजाफा … Read more

मुसीबत बन सकता है कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट, 30 से ज्यादा म्यूटेशन, क्या वापस लौट आएगा मास्क का दौर

मुसीबत बन सकता है कोरोना का नया वैरिएंट, 30 से ज्यादा म्यूटेशन, क्या वापस लौट आएगा मास्क का दौर

Covid Variant Pirola : कोरोना के नए वैरिएंट की दस्तक ने वैज्ञानिकों को चिंता में डाल दिया है. एरिस (EG.5) और पिरोला (BA.2.86) जैसे ओमिक्रॉन के नए वैरिएंट्स को लेकर पता चला है कि इनमें ज्यादा म्यूटेशन हैं. जिससे संक्रामक दर काफी ज्यादा है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक, पिरोला में 30 से ज्यादा म्यूटेशन पाए गए … Read more

Good news to save from covid! Scientist made such a mask that will detect the virus in the air

Good news to save from covid!  Scientist made such a mask that will detect the virus in the air

Face Mask Can Alert About Covid Virus: Mask is necessary to avoid corona, but now scientist has created such a face mask that can detect cold cough or corona virus spread within 10 minutes. If there is a virus of any of these diseases in the air, then this mask can identify it through droplets … Read more

Shampoo, oil and hair mask are not enough, do these things for healthy hair

Shampoo, oil and hair mask are not enough, do these things for healthy hair

Hair Care Tips: In order to make hair beautiful, thick, healthy and long, all people make many different efforts. If someone does shampooing and oiling regularly, then he applies a hair mask thrice a week. All these methods are good and necessary. If you are the owner or mistress of long hair, then you have … Read more

If you are troubled by skin tan, then use this fruit face mask

If you are troubled by skin tan, then use this fruit face mask

Skin Care: Taking care of skin has become very important in today’s lifestyle. Many times women avoid the rays of the sun to protect the skin from tanning and to do this they use sunscreen. But sometimes due to being outside for a long time, it does not prove to be as effective and tanning … Read more

Make your own sheet mask at home for instant glow, this is the easiest way

Make your own sheet mask at home for instant glow, this is the easiest way

Homemade Sheet Mask For Instant Glow: Between facials, face packs and bleach, there is also a trend to apply sheet masks these days. Whose wide variety is present in the market. Bring them, open them, put them on the face and just relax. When the mask dries, then understand that it is time to remove … Read more

Eye Mask: What is the secret behind Deepika Padukone’s beautiful eyes, know the beauty secret

Eye Mask: What is the secret behind Deepika Padukone’s beautiful eyes, know the beauty secret

Eye Mask: What is the secret behind the beautiful eyes of Dimple Girl Deepika Padukone, know the beauty secret. Source link