Be careful if you sit too much! Even exercise won’t help, it will cause serious damage

Be careful if you sit too much! Even exercise won’t help, it will cause serious damage

Too much risk sitting : Due to excessive office work and inactive life, most people sit for 8-10 hours, which is dangerous for health. It is very common to have neck and back pain due to prolonged sitting, but due to this, dangerous diseases like heart disease and cancer can also increase. A new study … Read more

Desk job may increase the risk of heart attack, claims study of 21 countries

Desk job may increase the risk of heart attack, claims study of 21 countries

Health News : Do you do a desk job? Do you like to sit in one place all the time? If yes, then it can prove fatal for your body. Yes, it has been claimed in the study of many countries that employees working for 8 hours a day are at higher risk of heart … Read more

Heart Health: 9 hours of sitting job is dangerous for the heart, take care of these things

Heart Health: 9 hours of sitting job is dangerous for the heart, take care of these things

Sitting Job Is Not Goog For Heart: Indian people work for the longest time. People here work more than 48 hours a week. Nowadays there are mostly sitting jobs in multinational companies. In such a situation, working continuously for 9-10 hours is proving to be harmful for health. Long working hours are affecting health. This … Read more