Do your legs also start shaking before your period? This means you are suffering from this condition.

Do your legs also start shaking before your period? This means you are suffering from this condition.

Leg cramps before period : The arrival of menstruation is a sign that girls or women are healthy. Menstruation is a normal process. During this period, many changes take place in a woman’s body. They also have to face many problems during their periods. In some women and girls, many symptoms start appearing in the … Read more

Why do girls have pain during their periods? Know the answer to this question today.

Why do girls have pain during their periods? Know the answer to this question today.

Why do girls feel pain during their periods: Women feel a lot of pain during the menstrual cycle, that is, during menstruation, feel a feeling of tightness and stiffness in the stomach and there seems to be stretching from the inside, also called menstrual cramps. In fact, this is due to physical and hormonal changes. … Read more

Menstrual Pain: Do You Know Why Period Pain is Different Every Month? 5 Tips to Get Relief

Menstrual Pain: Do You Know Why Period Pain is Different Every Month? 5 Tips to Get Relief

Home Health Period pain: do you know why period pain is different every month? 5 tips to get relief The menstrual cycle is a highly individualized process and each woman’s experience is unique. Do you know why menstrual pain is different every month? (Freepilk) The start of the menstrual cycle is fraught with mood swings, … Read more

Menstrual Cramps? 5 Natural Ways to Get Relief From Period Pain

Menstrual Cramps? 5 Natural Ways to Get Relief From Period Pain

Home Health Menstrual cramps? 5 natural ways to relieve menstrual pain Working during the day enduring those menstrual cramps can be really tedious and annoying. But there are ways to reduce this menstrual pain without the support of drugs. Mood swings, food cravings, and pain in the lower abdomen or other parts are some telltale … Read more

Periods Symptoms: 7 SIGNS Your Menstrual Cycle is Normal And You Shouldn’t be Concerned

Periods Symptoms: 7 SIGNS Your Menstrual Cycle is Normal And You Shouldn’t be Concerned

Home Lifestyle Symptoms of menstruation: 7 SIGNS that your menstrual cycle is normal and you should not worry Your menstrual cycle can say a lot about your health. Expert reveals 7 signs of a healthy menstrual flow that women should control. Symptoms of menstruation: 7 SIGNS that your menstrual cycle is normal and you should … Read more

Severe Period Cramps? 4 Major Nutrient Deficiencies That May Increase Dysmenorrhea

Severe Period Cramps? 4 Major Nutrient Deficiencies That May Increase Dysmenorrhea

Home Health Severe menstrual cramps? 4 Major Nutrient Deficiencies That Can Increase Dysmenorrhea Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps is something that every woman suffers from. However, the reason behind the severity of the pain may differ for each individual. The severity of menstrual pain can also be due to a certain lack of nutrients. Period pain … Read more

Why put up with the unbearable pain of periods? When these 4 ways to get relief are available at home

Why put up with the unbearable pain of periods?  When these 4 ways to get relief are available at home

Menstrual Cramps: During periods, most of the women have the problem of unbearable pain and cramps in the body. Sometimes this pain and cramps increase so much that the whole body starts feeling lifeless. Some women resort to painkillers to get rid of it. While some prefer to avoid eating painkillers, because it also has … Read more

Menstrual Cramp Relief: 4 Easy Ways To Treat Extreme Discomfort During Periods

Menstrual Cramp Relief: 4 Easy Ways To Treat Extreme Discomfort During Periods

House Health Do you suffer from menstrual pain? 4 Possible Conditions and Remedies to Treat Extreme Discomfort 9 out of 10 women, on average, complain of period pain, while around 20% of women experience severe period pain and excruciating cramps that can interfere with daily activities. Do you suffer from menstrual pain? 4 Possible Conditions … Read more