How More Muscle Mass Affects Metabolic Rate? 5 Tips to Increase Metabolism

Home Health How More Muscle Mass Affects Metabolic Rate? 5 Tips to Increase Metabolism Metabolic rate often determines a lot of bodily functions. But did you know that more muscle mass may impact your metabolism? Here is what expert say. In the quest for fitness, understanding the dynamics of metabolism is crucial. One common belief … Read more

5 Everyday Mistakes That Are Slowing Down Your Metabolism

Home Lifestyle 5 Everyday Mistakes That Are Slowing Down Your Metabolism Metabolism often slows down in winter season not just due to reduced physical activity but also because of several everyday habits that we may follow. 5 Everyday Mistakes That Are Slowing Down Your Metabolism (Freepik) A sedentary lifestyle has become a way of life … Read more

Weight Loss Routine: 6 Things to Do in Afternoon to Improve Your Metabolism

Home Lifestyle Weight Loss Routine: 6 Things to Do in Afternoon to Improve Your Metabolism How to do we be consistent with weight loss regime in office? Here are few things to be mindful of during the afternoon to keep the weight loss discipline in check. Weight Loss Routine: 5 Things to Do in Afternoon … Read more

Why is Consuming Fat Important For Body? 5 Ways to Incorporate in Your Everyday Meal

Home Health Why is Consuming Fat Important For Body? 5 Ways to Incorporate in Your Everyday Meal Not all fat is bad and here is why a certain amount of healthy fats are required for the body. Why is Consuming Fat Important For Body? 5 Ways to Incorporate in Your Everyday Meal (Freepik) “Fat is … Read more

Weight Loss Routine For Winter: 7- Step Rituals to Follow and Boost Metabolism

Home Health Weight Loss Routine For Winter: 7- Step Rituals to Follow and Boost Metabolism A proper routine for weight loss can boost the metabolism that becomes low during winter season. Try to adhere to these easy-to-do steps and burn calories. Weight Loss Routine For Winter: 7- Step Rituals to Follow and Boost Metabolism (Freepik) … Read more

Unexplained Weight Gain? 6 Tell-Tale Signs of Slow Metabolism and How to Enhance it

Metabolism rate is one of the most important factors to be mindful of especially when trying to lose weight. The persistent feeling of tiredness, sluggishness and lethargy can be initial warning signs of slow metabolism. Metabolism is basically chemical reactions that take place inside our body’s cells and help to convert food into energy. The … Read more