क्या है माइग्रेन के लक्षण? किन चीजों का रखना चाहिए ध्यान? जानें सब

<p>बदलते खानपान की वजह से लोगों में बीमारियां बढ़ती जा रही हैं. इन्हीं बीमारियों में से एक है माइग्रेन, जिसकी समस्या अधिकतर लोगों में देखी गई है. माइग्रेन एक तरह का दर्द है, जो सिर के किसी भी हिस्से में हो सकता है. यह बीमारी पहले 45 साल तक के लोगों में होती थी, लेकिन … Read more

Migraine Pain: Stress to Sleep Deprivation, 7 Triggers of Chronic Headache in Winters

Home Health Migraine Pain: Stress to Sleep Deprivation, 7 Triggers of Chronic Headache in Winters Throbbing headache can sometimes disrupt our normal life functioning. Expert speaks on what may trigger migraine and how to mitigate the pain. DOCTOR VERIFIED Migraine Pain: Stress to Sleep Deprivation, 7 Triggers of Chronic Headache in Winters Migraine is a … Read more

Migraine Causes And Symptoms: How Weather Change Triggers Frequent Headaches And What to Do About it

Home Health Migraine Causes And Symptoms: How Weather Change Triggers Frequent Headaches And What to Do About it Throbbing headache can disrupt your daily function and this one reason can be a major contributor for migraine. Migraine Causes And Symptoms: How Weather Change Triggers Frequent Headaches And What to Do About it (Freepik) Migraine is … Read more

ठंड के मौसम में बढ़ सकती है माइग्रेन की समस्या, जानिए बचने के उपाय

Migraine in Winter : अक्टूबर आने के साथ ही मौसम में बदलाव होने लगा है. सुबह-शाम तापमान में गिरावट की वजह से ठंड पड़ने लगी है. मौसम में यह बदलाव सेहत के लिए कई तरह से परेशानी वाला हो सकता है. इस मौसम में इंफ्लूएंजा जैसे वायरस के बढ़ने के साथ ही माइग्रेन भी ट्रिगर कर … Read more

Do not suffer from migraine pain, get rid of it in these 5 ways

Migraine Home Remedy: Migraine is not a normal headache. If you experience it often then you would know that this serious problem brings with it problems like unbearable headache, nausea, sensitivity to sound, sensitivity to light, blurred vision. Migraine cannot be eradicated from the root. However, they can definitely be stopped with some home remedies. … Read more

Migraine is troubling in the changing season, get instant relief from these 10 tips

Migraine Symptoms: Migraine is considered a serious problem of the brain. In this disease there is pain in half of the head. This pain is also commonly referred to as half vial pain. With the change of season, this disease bothers rapidly. There are many major factors like increased stress, excess light, where this disease … Read more

Migraine Symptoms: Mild headache is not the onset of migraine, find out from these symptoms

Migraine Symptoms: Usually everyone has the problem of headache. But most of the people, when they have severe headache, take medicine and eat it. There are some people who ignore the mild headache that occurs daily. Dizziness, darkness in front of the eyes or pain in the neck can also be the initial symptoms of … Read more