What diseases are caused by dirty water in India? See the full list here

What diseases are caused by dirty water in India? See the full list here

The number of deaths due to diseases caused by dirty water is increasing day by day. There has been a continuous increase in the number of deaths, both in cities and villages, due to water used in homes and drinking water. India is not spared from this situation either. Most parts of the country are … Read more

These Diseases Can Attack The Body During Monsoon, Know What To Do And What Not To Do

These Diseases Can Attack The Body During Monsoon, Know What To Do And What Not To Do

Monsoon disease: With the arrival of the rainy season, the heat subsides, but the risk of many types of infections also increases. Due to the accumulation of water and the spread of dirt everywhere, bacteria have a chance to grow. Due to this, many diseases (rainy season diseases) can attack the body. Therefore, one should … Read more

Warning! Rain-related illnesses can become fatal, so protect yourself in changing weather conditions.

Warning! Rain-related illnesses can become fatal, so protect yourself in changing weather conditions.

Monsoon diseases: burning Heat The rains that bring relief have now begun to fall. The weather has become pleasant in many parts of the country with the onset of monsoon. However, this rain, along with relief, also brings many diseases. The risk of many dangerous diseases increases this season. Some illnesses can even lead to … Read more

जो लोग शराब पीते हैं, उन्हें मच्छर कम काटते हैं! क्या इस बात में कोई सच्चाई है?

जो लोग शराब पीते हैं, उन्हें मच्छर कम काटते हैं! क्या इस बात में कोई सच्चाई है?

<p style="text-align: justify;">मच्छर को लेकर अक्सर एक बात कही जाती है. जैसे- जिसका खून मीठा होता है उन्हें ज्यादा मच्छर काटते हैं. वहीं शराब पीने वालों को कम मच्छर काटते हैं. आज हम अपने आर्टिकल के जरिए इन्हीं मिथक पर से पर्दा हटाएंगे. साथ ही यह भी जानने की कोशिश करेंगे कि इसमें कितनी सच्चाई … Read more

सूजन से लेकर कब्ज तक: मानसून के दौरान पेट में होने ये कीड़े बढ़ाती हैं मुश्किलें

सूजन से लेकर कब्ज तक: मानसून के दौरान पेट में होने ये कीड़े बढ़ाती हैं मुश्किलें

<p>मानसून का मौसम कई तरह की गैस्ट्रोइंटेस्टाइनल गड़बड़ियों के साथ आता है. पेट में कीड़े जैसे सूजन, कब्ज, उल्टी और दस्त इस मौसम में आम हो सकते हैं और शिशुओं से लेकर बुजुर्गों तक किसी को भी प्रभावित कर सकते हैं. हालांकि ये आम पेट के कीड़े थोड़ी मुश्किलें पैदा कर सकते &nbsp;हैं, लेकिन वे … Read more

Monsoon Health: 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity to Combat Viral and Flu Season

Monsoon Health: 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity to Combat Viral and Flu Season

Home Health Monsoon Health: 7 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity to Combat Viral and Flu Season Monsoon season entails a host of diseases and it is imperative to boost our immunity systems. And this is not just eat right and exercising everyday, there are other things that specifically are important to practice during rainy season. … Read more

How High Humidity Can Be Risky For Overall Health? 5 Ways to Manage it

How High Humidity Can Be Risky For Overall Health? 5 Ways to Manage it

Home Health Monsoon Health: How High Humidity Can Be Risky For Overall Health? 5 Ways to Manage it High humidity is a common occurrence after heavy rainfall. While monsoon increases risk of contracting infections, humidity also can be dangerous for health. Monsoon Health: How High Humidity Can Be Risky? 5 Ways to Manage it (Freepik) … Read more

The risk of these diseases increases in monsoon, know how to protect yourself?

The risk of these diseases increases in monsoon, know how to protect yourself?

Monsoon Diseases: People eagerly wait for the rains in the monsoon season. Because due to this the outbreak of scorching heat can be reduced to a great extent. However, like everything has some advantages and some disadvantages, in the same way the arrival of monsoon also has many disadvantages. During the monsoon, a situation of … Read more