जो लोग शराब पीते हैं, उन्हें मच्छर कम काटते हैं! क्या इस बात में कोई सच्चाई है?

<p style="text-align: justify;">मच्छर को लेकर अक्सर एक बात कही जाती है. जैसे- जिसका खून मीठा होता है उन्हें ज्यादा मच्छर काटते हैं. वहीं शराब पीने वालों को कम मच्छर काटते हैं. आज हम अपने आर्टिकल के जरिए इन्हीं मिथक पर से पर्दा हटाएंगे. साथ ही यह भी जानने की कोशिश करेंगे कि इसमें कितनी सच्चाई … Read more

Make natural mosquito repellent spray at home, follow the steps, mosquitoes will be eradicated from every corner

Mosquito Repellent : It has become very difficult to save yourself and your family from mosquitoes. Children can also be harmed by mosquitoes. Diseases like dengue and malaria are also spreading through mosquito bites. In such a situation, be careful if you use mosquito repellent products available in the market. Because it can also be … Read more

Mosquito Repellent: These natural methods can drive away mosquitoes from homes

Make Mosquito Repellant: What we do not do to avoid mosquitoes in monsoon season. For this, cleanliness is necessary as well as you also use a coil or liquid machine to drive away mosquitoes. Let us tell you that all the ingredients used in these chemicals and chemical substances can prove to be fatal for … Read more

To keep away from mosquitoes, apply cream and oil on the skin? Know the disadvantages of this

Mosquito : Mosquitoes increase a lot in monsoon. Due to the bite of mosquitoes, there is a risk of serious diseases like dengue, malaria and chikungunya. To avoid this, many people use creams and oils on their skin. Most people apply creams and oils on their hands and feet. At the same time, some people … Read more

Not a single mosquito will survive in the house, adopt these home remedies

Monsoon Mosquito Prevention DIY Tips: Mosquitoes do not only irritate but are also dangerous for health. Their bite not only makes them sick, but can also prove to be fatal. In such a situation, every method should be adopted in the house so that mosquitoes cannot come inside the house (DIY Mosquito Repellent). If this … Read more