Such carelessness can be heavy, pink cold can become the reason for loose motion

Such carelessness can be heavy, pink cold can become the reason for loose motion

Stomach Ache and Loose Motion: The coming together of mild cold wind and strong sunshine makes the weather of February pink. In this season, work is done in single light sweater or only sweat shirt. That’s why you need to change one of your special habits related to health and kitchen. Because not doing this … Read more

What to eat and what not to eat in case of loose motion, know home remedies to stop diarrhea

What to eat and what not to eat in case of loose motion, know home remedies to stop diarrhea

How To Control Lose Motion: The problem of loose motion occurs mostly only when we eat something upside down. Or the healthy food that we have bought from outside is contaminated. That is, for whatever reason bacteria have grown in it. The problem of loose motion also occurs due to drinking unclean water. Some people … Read more

There will be no pain while passing the motion, start the day with this oil

There will be no pain while passing the motion, start the day with this oil

Tight Motion: Most people use coconut oil. Some to apply to the hair and some to moisturize the skin. At the same time, South Indian people mainly use coconut oil in food. However, few people know that if the day is started with coconut oil, the stomach and digestive system are always healthy. Especially the … Read more

If you will eat rice by cooking these 5 ways in loose motion, then it will be recovered immediately

If you will eat rice by cooking these 5 ways in loose motion, then it will be recovered immediately

If you eat rice after cooking in loose motion in these 5 ways, it will be recovered immediately. Source link

These home remedies give instant relief in loose motion and stomach pain in summer

These home remedies give instant relief in loose motion and stomach pain in summer

Stomach Ache Home Remedies: In the summer season, due to scorching heat and heat, sometimes due to negligence in food and drink, there is a problem of loose motion and stomach pain. This problem is more often seen in children. In such a situation, you must know about some special home remedies so that there … Read more

Colon cleaning is necessary to remove the problem of bloating, consume this smoothie

Colon cleaning is necessary to remove the problem of bloating, consume this smoothie

Healthy Stomach: Colon cleansing is important for many reasons. The colon is the largest part of our large intestine. One end of it is attached to the small intestine and the other part to the feces. The undigested food or less digested food in our stomach, which is unnecessary for the body, the work of … Read more