Can there be a cause of cancer in your mouth? Know the answer

Can there be a cause of cancer in your mouth? Know the answer

Oral bulbs are not cancerous and do not cause straight cancer. However, if blocked mouths that are not cured in a few weeks. It can therefore be the first symptoms of mouth cancer. In such a situation, you should first consult the health expert without wasting time. If you worry about mouth blues. So, first … Read more

Are the blisters in the mouth several times? These serious diseases are therefore initial signs

Are the blisters in the mouth several times? These serious diseases are therefore initial signs

Oral bulbs are a common problem. That people often do not take seriously. This problem can happen to anyone at any age. The blisters are generally on the mouth, on the tongue or on the cheeks, lips or inside the throat. These are small injuries, which can sometimes be extremely painful and can cause problems … Read more

मुंह के छाले की वजह से खाने में हो रही है दिक्कत? तो इन घरेलू नुस्खों को आज से करें ट्राई

मुंह के छाले की वजह से खाने में हो रही है दिक्कत? तो इन घरेलू नुस्खों को आज से करें ट्राई

<p style="text-align: justify;">मुंह में छाले होना आम समस्या है. लेकिन यह समस्या धीरे-धीरे दिक्कत खड़ी कर देती है. छाले की समय पर केयर नहीं की जाए, तो यह परेशानी बन सकता है. छाला होने के बाद खाना खाने में काफी परेशानी होती है. हम ठीक से बोल भी नहीं पाते, पानी पीने में भी काफी … Read more

Are mouth ulcers ulcers or cancer? identify the difference between the two

Are mouth ulcers ulcers or cancer?  identify the difference between the two

Many times the blisters of the mouth are very disturbing. Pain can also occur in mouth ulcers. Due to which many people also understand cancer. While in some cases mouth ulcers can also be a sign of oral cancer. On the other hand, it is also true that not all mouth ulcers are cancer. According … Read more

If you are eating a lot of raw mangoes by applying salt in summer, then know the serious damage caused by it.

If you are eating a lot of raw mangoes by applying salt in summer, then know the serious damage caused by it.

Side Effect Of Raw Mango: As soon as the summer season comes, there is a glut of mangoes in the market. Everyone wants to taste juicy mangoes. Along with ripe mangoes, people also like to eat raw mangoes. Sour in taste, raw mangoes are eaten by applying salt. Raw mango chutney is made in many … Read more

Mouth ulcers troubling you? Adopt Ayurvedic remedies, you will get immediate relief

Mouth ulcers troubling you?  Adopt Ayurvedic remedies, you will get immediate relief

Mouth Ulcers Home Remedies : Summer brings with it the problem of Mouth Ulcers. Because of this, there is difficulty in eating and drinking. Blisters also give pain and they also cause burning sensation. Stomach heat, stress, spicy and acidic food, dehydration, vitamin B and C deficiency and poor oral hygiene can cause blisters. Cold … Read more

Mouth Ulcers: 5 Home Remedies to Treat Painful Canker Sores Naturally

Mouth Ulcers: 5 Home Remedies to Treat Painful Canker Sores Naturally

Mouth ulcers or canker sores are one of the most common minor health problems. They are usually found on the gums, but they can also develop around the tongue area and the inner part of the lower lip. They can be extremely painful, especially if they are touched while brushing or eating. Mouth ulcers can … Read more

Follow these tips to get rid of mouth ulcers

Follow these tips to get rid of mouth ulcers

Mouth Ulcer: Follow these tips to get rid of mouth ulcers. Source link