These 10 habits of yours can cause kidney damage, be alert in time

Kidney DamageTo keep the body healthy, it is very important to have a healthy kidney. With its help, we can remove the toxins present in the body. But our eating habits can have a bad effect on the liver. Therefore, it is very important to keep the kidney healthy to keep the body healthy. Today … Read more

Asthma patients are increasing continuously in the country, change these habits today

Fitness Parameter  : In modern times, there have been many changes in the living and eating habits of people. There itself. Talking about the environment, it is getting polluted day by day. Apart from this, the youth are blowing the smoke of life with many types of intoxicants like Jhukka, Sirgate. These drugs are causing … Read more

Bad Health Habits: Leave these bad habits today, otherwise you may get sick

Bad Habits : Good and bad habits have a profound effect on health. If you adopt good habits in your life, then you can stay away from many types of health problems. At the same time, due to bad habits, the risk of many serious problems can increase. Let us know about some bad habits … Read more