Cervix Dilation: A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Self-Check During Labour

Cervix Dilation: A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Self-Check During Labour

Home Health Cervix Dilation: A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Self-Check During Labour Cervical exams are best done by a healthcare professional, but if your doctor approves, you can check yourself. Here’s how. DOCTOR VERIFIED Cervix Dilation: A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Self-Check Dilation During Pregnancy As your due date approaches, you may be … Read more

नवजात बच्चे की आंखों में क्यों नहीं आते आंसू? हैरान कर देगी ये वजह

नवजात बच्चे की आंखों में क्यों नहीं आते आंसू? हैरान कर देगी ये वजह

<div id="m#msg-a:r2948353630207987118" class="mail-message expanded"> <div class="mail-message-content collapsible zoom-normal mail-show-images "> <div class="clear"> <div dir="auto"> <div dir="auto" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>New Baby Born Crying</strong>: जरा सी चोट लगे या किसी बात पर दिल भर आए तो हमारी आंखों से जार जार आंसू बहने लगते हैं. छोटे बच्चे भी हर छोटी छोटी बात पर आंसू बहाते हैं लेकिन क्या … Read more

Newborn की इन आदतों से ना हों परेशान, लगती हैं अजीब लेकिन होती हैं बिल्कुल नॉर्मल

Newborn की इन आदतों से ना हों परेशान, लगती हैं अजीब लेकिन होती हैं बिल्कुल नॉर्मल

Parenting Tips : नए बच्चे का जन्म सबसे सुखद अनुभव होता है. छोटे बच्चे कि किलकारी घर में खुशियां ला देती हैं. नन्‍हे मुन्‍ने के साथ बीतने वाला एक-एक पल पैरेंट्स के लिए खास होता है. मां उनकी हर दिन की आदतों से परिचित होती हैं लेकिन छोटे बच्चे कुछ ऐसी हरकतें (Newborn Habits) करते हैं, … Read more

Along with the mother, it is also important for the father to be healthy for a healthy baby.

Along with the mother, it is also important for the father to be healthy for a healthy baby.

Father’s health For Healthy Baby : Often we have heard people around us, elders, relatives saying that it is necessary for the mother to be healthy for a healthy pregnancy and for the birth of a healthy baby. Of course, this thing is also correct, but is it necessary that only the mother should be … Read more

While buying children’s products, do you even make such a mistake?

While buying children’s products, do you even make such a mistake?

Baby Products: For the care of children, baby product companies have launched all kinds of products from health care to toys and clothing. In such a situation, it is very important that some things should be kept in mind while buying products, because the skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and sensitive. Using … Read more