Bleeding from the nose is coming in summer… do not panic, adopt these home remedies immediately, you will get relief

Nose Bleeding In Summer : There is often a problem of bleeding from the nose in the scorching heat and strong sunlight. If carelessness is done regarding this, then it can also be serious. According to health experts, the reason for the problem of nose bleeding in summer can be dryness in the nose in … Read more

Why does nose bleed in summer? Learn how to get rid of this problem

Nose Bleeding Treatment : Many types of problems start happening in the summer season. In this there is also bleeding from the nose. When the temperature rises in summer, then the amount of moisture in the air decreases. Due to this there is dryness in the nose. Due to dryness in the nose, dryness or … Read more

Attention Bleeding from the nose again and again is a symptom of this disease, don’t mistake it for normal

Nose Bleeding Reasons: Drinking too much alcohol or eating too many calories can cause fat to accumulate in the liver. There are usually no warning signs in the early stages of fatty liver disease. Fatty liver can cause swelling in any part of the body. This is called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Persistent inflammation can lead to … Read more