How Laptop and Mobile Use is Affecting Your Bone Health? 5 Things to Know

How Laptop and Mobile Use is Affecting Your Bone Health? 5 Things to Know

Home Health How does laptop and mobile device use affect bone health? Five things you should know The increasing use of smartphones and laptops is leading to an increasing number of bone-related problems. Learn about five different types of bone problems related to this condition. How does laptop and mobile device use affect bone health? … Read more

What Are 5 Major Causes of Poor Bone Health in Children? Know Ways to Improve it

What Are 5 Major Causes of Poor Bone Health in Children? Know Ways to Improve it

Home Health What are the 5 main causes of poor bone health in children? Learn ways to improve it Poor bone health is becoming an increasingly common and worrying health problem. An expert weighs in on the main causes of weak bones in children and what can be done to strengthen them. Bones are an … Read more

Osteoporosis Diet: Avoid These 7 Foods to Maintain Stronger Bones as You Age

Osteoporosis Diet: Avoid These 7 Foods to Maintain Stronger Bones as You Age

Home Health Osteoporosis Diet: Avoid These 7 Foods to Maintain Stronger Bones as You Age Bones give a structure to your body and upholds its mass. Here are some foods that can have a bad effect on your bone health. Foods That are Harmful for Our Bone Health  Bones are the blueprint of our skeletal … Read more

Osteoporosis in Women: 5 Ways to Reduce Low-Bone Density Symptoms in Your 50s

Osteoporosis in Women: 5 Ways to Reduce Low-Bone Density Symptoms in Your 50s

Home Health Osteoporosis in Women: 5 Ways to Reduce Low-Bone Density Symptoms in Your 50s Weak bones is a common problem in women but fret not, here is how bone density can be improved specially when i 50s. Osteoporosis in Women: 5 Ways to Reduce Low-Bone Density Symptoms in Your 50s (Freepik) Bones make up … Read more

ये बीमारी वाले भूल से भी न पिएं कॉफी, वरना बढ़ सकती हैं शारीरिक मुश्किलें

ये बीमारी वाले भूल से भी न पिएं कॉफी, वरना बढ़ सकती हैं शारीरिक मुश्किलें

ये बीमारी वाले भूल से भी न पिएं कॉफी, वरना बढ़ सकती हैं शारीरिक मुश्किलें Source link

Heart Health to Joint Pain, 6 Common Winter Woes to Stay Away From And How?

Heart Health to Joint Pain, 6 Common Winter Woes to Stay Away From And How?

Home Health Heart Health to Joint Pain, 6 Common Winter Woes to Stay Away From And How? Winter is a time to strengthen our bodies and strengthen our immune systems. The cold season maintenance involves being active, getting enough sleep, and eating nourishing, warm food. Heart Health to Joint Pain, 6 Common Winter Woes to … Read more

किस वक्त कॉफी नहीं पीनी चाहिए? इस स्थिति में न पिएं वरना बढ़ सकती हैं मुश्किलें

किस वक्त कॉफी नहीं पीनी चाहिए? इस स्थिति में न पिएं वरना बढ़ सकती हैं मुश्किलें

<p style="text-align: justify;">कई लोग चाय से ज्यादा कॉफी पीना पसंद करते हैं. लेकिन आपको बता दें कि कॉफी भी एक टाइम के बाद नुकसानदायक साबित हो सकता है. हालांकि, कॉफी में पाया जाने वाला कैफीन वो कंपाउंड है जो कि माइंड को एलर्ट करने में काफी मदद करता है. ब्रेन हेल्थ के लिए काफी ज्यादा … Read more