क्या रोजाना पपीता खाने से सप्ताह भर में 2 किलो वजन आसानी से कम किया जा सकता है?

क्या रोजाना पपीता खाने से सप्ताह भर में 2 किलो वजन आसानी से कम किया जा सकता है?

<p>हम में से ज्यादातर लोग सीजनल और ताजे फल खाना पसंद करते हैं. चाहे तरबूज हो या केला या पपीता, विशेषज्ञों का सुझाव है कि वे कई स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं में मदद करते हैं और हमारी इम्युनिटी को मजबूत करता है. इंडियन एक्सप्रेश में छपी खबर के मुताबिक एक सप्ताह तक अगर आप लगातार पपीता खाते … Read more

These 5 fruits can strengthen weak and thin hair…know their names

These 5 fruits can strengthen weak and thin hair…know their names

Hair Care: If you also aspire for long, beautiful and thick hair, then certain types of fruits can be useful for you. The nutrients present in these fruits not only make you comfortable but also make your hair strong. You can add it to your diet. You can also add it to fruits and use … Read more

These people should not eat ‘papaya’ even by mistake, otherwise they will have to go to the hospital

These people should not eat ‘papaya’ even by mistake, otherwise they will have to go to the hospital

These people should not eat ‘papaya’ even by mistake, otherwise they will have to go to the hospital Source link

Attention Do not eat lemon and salt in this fruit, it becomes poison as soon as it enters the stomach.

Attention  Do not eat lemon and salt in this fruit, it becomes poison as soon as it enters the stomach.

Don’t Eat lemon with these Fruits: To stay healthy, it is important that you include lots of vegetables and fruits in your diet. More and more fruits and vegetables should be included in the morning, afternoon and evening meals. Different nutrients are found in different colored fruits and vegetables. Which is no less than a … Read more

The combination of papaya and lemon can be dangerous… acts like ‘poison’

The combination of papaya and lemon can be dangerous… acts like ‘poison’

Papaya Side Effects : It is often forbidden to eat many things together at home. Because eating them together can have a reaction on health. One such fruit is papaya, which is beneficial for health in many ways. From reducing weight to improving digestion, there is no match for papaya. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, minerals … Read more

These serious diseases of the body can be cured by eating papaya on an empty stomach.

These serious diseases of the body can be cured by eating papaya on an empty stomach.

Benefits Of Eating Papaya Empty Stomach: Morning time is very important for everyone from the point of view of health. If you want to stay healthy, then you have to start your day with healthy things. You must have heard many times from your elders that you should avoid eating unhealthy food in the morning … Read more

Even after eating papaya, you are not throwing away its peels! Applying 10 minutes on the face will give you so many benefits

Even after eating papaya, you are not throwing away its peels!  Applying 10 minutes on the face will give you so many benefits

Papaya Peel Benefits: Somewhere you are also not throwing away its peels after eating papaya… You will get so many benefits by applying 10 minutes on the face Source link

‘Papaya’ can prevent cancer, keeps the heart healthy, know the benefits of eating it

‘Papaya’ can prevent cancer, keeps the heart healthy, know the benefits of eating it

Papaya Health Benefits: Like other fruits, eating papaya also has many tremendous benefits. This fruit full of sweetness contains many essential nutrients, which the body needs to perform different functions. Papayas are rich in Vitamin A and C. Its chemicals have anti-carcinogenic and heart-healthy properties. For thousands of years humans have been using papaya for … Read more