Can Diabetes Cause Infertility in Men? Expert Speaks

Can Diabetes Cause Infertility in Men? Expert Speaks

Home Health Can Diabetes Cause Infertility in Men? Expert Speaks Diabetes And Infertility in Men: Diabetes can have a negative impact on the reproductive system in addition to heart risk, kidney damage, obesity, and other major medical disorders. Can Diabetes Cause Infertility in Men? Expert Speaks Diabetes And Infertility: Diabetes is a long-term medical disorder. … Read more

क्या डायबिटीज जितनी ही ‘खतरनाक’ है प्री-डायबिटीज, समझिए दोनों में फर्क क्या है और कैसे बचें?

क्या डायबिटीज जितनी ही ‘खतरनाक’ है प्री-डायबिटीज, समझिए दोनों में फर्क क्या है और कैसे बचें?

Pre-Diabetes vs Diabetes : डायबिटीज भारत में तेजी से बढ़ती समस्या है. लांसेट में छपी ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, भारत में ही डायबिटीज के 10 करोड़ से भी ज्यादा मरीज हैं. लांसेट की रिपोर्ट में बताया गया है कि देश में 13.6 करोड़ लोग प्री-डायबिटीक हैं. अब सवाल की आखिर यह … Read more

From heart disease to kidney damage, borderline diabetes can cause damage

From heart disease to kidney damage, borderline diabetes can cause damage

Borderline Diabetes: These days diabetes has become a common problem. One out of every three people in the world is a victim of diabetes. Before type-2 diabetes occurs, its symptoms are clearly visible in the body. In the medical term, it is called pre-diabetes i.e. borderline diabetes. Diabetes means that the blood sugar level of … Read more

Symptoms of diabetes in women are different from men in this way, recognize them

Symptoms of diabetes in women are different from men in this way, recognize them

Diabetes Treatment: Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. If there is a bad lifestyle then this disease comes first. as well as heart Disease and hypertension also start to happen at home. Diabetes can happen to anyone, woman, man, child, elderly, youth. There is just a need to recognize its symptoms and get it treated … Read more