A pregnant woman is a victim of the Zika virus, can the child also be exposed to this risk?

Zika virus : Zika virus has been wreaking havoc in Pune. This has also been confirmed in pregnant women. This virus was detected after testing a sample of a one-month pregnant woman. However, no symptoms of this virus were found in this woman. Doctors have kept her under observation. In such a situation, the question … Read more

How many days after conception should you take a pregnancy test, knowing the right time

Pregnancy test : Whether a woman is pregnant or not can be detected through a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test is positive, it means the woman is pregnant and if it is negative, it means she is not pregnant. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is detected by a pregnancy test. This is a kind of … Read more

These 5 yoga asanas should be practiced daily during pregnancy – GoMedii | 5 Useful Yoga Poses for Pregnant Women in Hindi

Yoga is very beneficial for pregnant women. Doing yoga not only improves the health of the mother but also improves the development of the baby in the womb. On this occasion, know which yogas are beneficial to do during pregnancy. Everyone knows the enormous benefits of yoga. It is very beneficial for common people as … Read more

These fruits can harm the mother and child during pregnancy, know why it is forbidden to eat them

Fruits to avoid during pregnancy: Fruits are very beneficial for health and should definitely be included in your diet. You may have heard people say this often, but during pregnancy, certain fruits can cause more harm than benefit. When it comes to diet during pregnancy, every pregnant woman does her best to include only healthy … Read more

Do not eat these sweet and sour fruits during pregnancy, the problems may worsen.

Grapes during pregnancy: Women should take special care of their health during pregnancy. During this period, many changes take place in their body. In such a situation, every little and big thing needs to be taken into account. Health experts recommend paying close attention to your diet during the 9 months of pregnancy. It is … Read more

Simple Ways to Avoid Migraine During Pregnancy – GoMedii

It is important to relieve migraine pain as quickly as possible, otherwise it can be bad for the pregnancy. To avoid this problem, follow a few simple steps. Women should take special care during pregnancy. Women face many health problems during pregnancy, including migraine. It is necessary to get rid of this problem, otherwise it … Read more

Skin has become dull after childbirth or tension increases, know what to do and what not to do

Postpartum Tips: After giving birth, women stay busy taking care of the child all day, which prevents them from taking time for themselves. Many types of hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, making many problems worse. The challenges increase even more after delivery. Women have to stay awake all night to care for the child. This … Read more

Alert! Due to the heatwave, pregnant women may face premature labor pains… a child may be born

Right now, it is extremely hot not only in India but in many countries around the world. At present, many people’s lives are in difficulty due to heatwave and heatwave. The elderly, children, pregnant women, everyone is suffering a lot because of the increasing heat and heatwave. The heat reached 45-50 degrees Celsius in some … Read more