Don’t make these mistakes when you get food poisoning, or your health could deteriorate further.

Don’t make these mistakes when you get food poisoning, or your health could deteriorate further.

As the rainy season approaches, the risk of diseases increases, especially food poisoning. Due to the moisture and dirt caused by the rain, food spoils quickly, leading to the growth of bacteria and viruses. It is very important to keep some important things in mind to avoid food poisoning in this season. If you make … Read more

These 5 special symptoms are seen when food poisoning occurs, be alert in heat and rain

These 5 special symptoms are seen when food poisoning occurs, be alert in heat and rain

Food Poisoning Symptoms: Food poisoning is a common problem during the summer and rainy season. Every year lakhs of people fall prey to this disease and the condition of thousands of people becomes very serious. This happens because people in whom food poisoning is not recognized at an early stage, their body begins to lack … Read more