क्या आइसक्रीम और आलू के चिप्स हैं कोकीन से दो गुना नशीले? वैज्ञानिकों ने किया ये दावा

क्या आइसक्रीम और आलू के चिप्स हैं कोकीन से दो गुना नशीले? वैज्ञानिकों ने किया ये दावा

छोटे हों या बड़े हर किसी को आइसक्रीम और पटैटो चिप्स खाना बेहद पसंद होता है. कुछ लोग तो आइसक्रीम के इतने शौकीन होते हैं कि ठंड में भी रोजाना आइसक्रीम का सेवन करते हैं. आपने अक्सर लोगों को देखा होगा जब वह चिप्स का पैकेट फाड़ते हैं, तो जब तक खत्म नहीं होता तब … Read more

People with disabilities experiencing worse mental distress since pandemic, and health experts don’t know how to help

People with disabilities experiencing worse mental distress since pandemic, and health experts don’t know how to help

It’s no secret that covid is having a drastic impact on people’s well-being and has worsened an already growing trend in mental health problems. The latest figures from the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare indicate that some of the most vulnerable are struggling even harder than most. People with disabilities are experiencing very high … Read more

Horror Xmas case ex-cop will never forget

Horror Xmas case ex-cop will never forget

Former Sydney Police detective Daniel*, 42, cannot pinpoint the moment he realized he could no longer do his job. Stationed at a local commando in the south-west of the city, 10 years with the NSW police had left him battling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and unable to work. “Surveillance is a world that the outside … Read more

Experts weigh in on the importance of mental health care in cancer treatment

Experts weigh in on the importance of mental health care in cancer treatment

World Cancer The Day, which was recently observed on February 4, attempted to raise awareness of how to save lives. One of the most important aspects of providing care to a patient undergoing cancer treatment, or even someone who has just been diagnosed, is your mental health. Dr. Brinda Sitaram, group director of psycho-oncology service … Read more