This woman used to forget in the morning by putting on the night, the doctor removed 23 contact lenses from her eyes

Eye Problem: Contact lenses are seen as an alternative to glasses. Contact lenses are used to manage myopia and farsightedness. It works in the same way as the glasses on the eyes do. If a person does not want to wear glasses, then doctors advise him to wear contact lenses. Usually people who wear contact … Read more

What is Black Fungus? in which the eye has to be removed

Black Fungus Treatment: Kovid-19 wreaked havoc across the country. Cases of Kovid-19 were seen in every house. This virus first caught those people. Whose immune system was very weak. The effect of Kovid did not end in such a way that another disease knocked in the country. Name black fungus. Hundreds of cases of black … Read more

Arjun’s bark has many properties, these 4 problems can be removed

Arjuna Bark Benefits: Arjuna bark is an Ayurvedic medicine, which is used to overcome many problems of the body. It is mainly used in the form of a decoction in Ayurveda. It can help you to overcome problems like infection, infection, sore throat, cold and flu. Apart from this, the bark of Arjuna can have … Read more

Do not throw papaya seeds, these problems can be removed quickly

Papaya Seeds Benefits: Papaya can remove many health related problems. It is effective in reducing digestive problems as well as in reducing weight. At the same time, papaya can also get rid of many other problems. But do you know about the benefits of papaya seeds for the body? Yes, papaya seeds can also be … Read more

Hysterectomy | If the uterus is removed, then definitely consult the doctor on these side-effects Health Mantra

Updated : 13 Jun 2022 03:29 PM (IST) Today Dr. Nupur will talk about hysterectomy. Hysterectomy means removal of the uterus. When it is understood that the uterus should be removed, what are its symptoms. Nowadays many women are getting the uterus removed either because they have cysts or some other problems. Learn today why … Read more