Revealed in a new study, a cup of black tea every morning has this benefit

Black Tea Benefits: Consumption of black tea is very beneficial for our health. It contains antioxidants and essential nutrients which benefit the body. Along with this, drinking black tea early in the morning maintains freshness. It is said that drinking black tea can provide long life health benefits, but if you do not want to … Read more

Cancer risk from sanitary napkins, revealed in new study

Sanitary Napkin : Every woman going through menstruation, every girl uses pads. By the way, there are other options available in the market, but women find this to be the best option, heavy flow is also managed by this and there is not much hassle. But recently, in a new study regarding sanitary pads, something … Read more

Why is it important to drink water before sleeping, research revealed

Health Tips: ‘Why is the mouth discolored.’  You must have heard this line at some time or the other in office, home or any party. As soon as you hear this question, your answer remains the same that the sleep is not complete, man. Many times they go out saying that they could not eat … Read more

Cancer drug will also eliminate malaria, revealed in research

Cancer Medicine: Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease. Every year hundreds of people in the country fall prey to malaria. Many patients even die due to lack of treatment. Recently a research has emerged as hope in the treatment of malaria. Clinical trials have revealed that the drugs used in the treatment of cancer are also … Read more

Every sixth sugar patient is dying in India without investigation, revealed in the research of Lancet Journal

Type 1 diabetes patient in India: Sugar is, by the way, a disease associated with a bad lifestyle. Due to being genetic, this disease is being passed on from generation to generation. Doctors advise to correct lifestyle for sugar. Make your food better. If any symptoms of sugar are visible, then immediately see the doctor. … Read more