Excessive consumption of rock salt can cause harm to these people, especially people suffering from this disease should be careful.

Excessive consumption of rock salt can cause harm to these people, especially people suffering from this disease should be careful.

Sendha Namak Side Effects: There is no taste in life without salt. Now-a-days due to increasing health awareness, people have started using low sodium rock salt (Sendha Namak). It is also called Himalayan salt or pink salt or rock salt. If seen, rock salt is such a mineral which contains sodium in very less quantity … Read more

Rock Salt Rocks! 5 Benefits of Using Sendha Namak Instead of Regular Salt

Rock Salt Rocks! 5 Benefits of Using Sendha Namak Instead of Regular Salt

Home Health Rock salt rocks! 5 Benefits of Using Sendha Namak Instead of Common Salt Sendha Namak Benefits: Sendha namak or rock salt is mainly used during Navratri. More health benefits are attributed to it than normal or regular salt. Sendha namak is formed after the salty water of se Benefits of Sendha Namak: Sendha … Read more

Add rock salt not only in fasting food, but also in daily food, you will get these 5 benefits

Add rock salt not only in fasting food, but also in daily food, you will get these 5 benefits

Rock Salt Health Benefits: Rock salt is also known as Lahori salt. By the way, it is used in the things that are eaten during fasting. However, nowadays people have started using rock salt in their daily food as well. Most people do not know how many health benefits can be gained by eating rock … Read more

This salt has been declared harmful by WHO, is rock salt really beneficial?

This salt has been declared harmful by WHO, is rock salt really beneficial?

Salt Uses: WHO recently released a report regarding the consumption of salt. WHO described the use of salt as a matter of concern for the whole world. It was revealed in the WHO report that every person in the whole world is consuming 10.8 grams of salt every day, while it should be brought down … Read more

This salt is good for kidney patients

This salt is good for kidney patients

If food is to be made tasty, the contribution of spices is as important as that of salt. Food is incomplete without salt. Salt gives taste to food and iodine to the body. Iodine helps in regulating the function of the thyroid gland in the body. Sodium is found in salt, which if consumed excessively … Read more

Benefits of using salt-lemon and black pepper powder together

Benefits of using salt-lemon and black pepper powder together

Lemon-Salt-Black Pepper: Lemon juice, black pepper and salt are herbal medicines in themselves. For example, if you have a sore throat, mix lemon juice in lukewarm water and gargle, then you get instant relief. Similarly, if you have a sore throat or sore throat, add salt to lukewarm water and do lukewarm gargle, you will … Read more