How I’m Staying in Shape by Turning My Daily Stroll Into Hard Exercise

How I’m Staying in Shape by Turning My Daily Stroll Into Hard Exercise

If I read one more time that walking is the best exercise, I’m going to take a few steps and scream. This article is about how to make walking a better exercise. It is true that walking is the most practicable exercise. You can pretty much do it anywhere and anytime. That is not a … Read more

Mental-health advocate Naomi Osaka is back at the French Open: ‘For the most part, I think I’m OK.’

Mental-health advocate Naomi Osaka is back at the French Open: ‘For the most part, I think I’m OK.’

“‘For the most part, I think I’m fine.’ ” That’s popular tennis star Naomi Osaka, capping a thoughtful 18-minute press conference at Roland Garros on Friday, the site of her abrupt retirement a year earlier when she put her mental health ahead of the world’s expectations. The tournament, part of the Grand Slam of professional … Read more