Rice solution will brighten your feet, no need to go to salon for pedicure

Tanning Removal At Home Due to outside sunlight, dust and dirt, we are in bad condition. In such a situation, along with face care, it is also very important to take care of hands and feet, because if the hands and feet look dirty with a glowing face, then the whole look gets spoiled. Legs … Read more

Mowers, chainsaws and a cold beer: The surprising ways high-powered bosses unwind

Las actividades fuera de la sala de juntas son importantes para la salud mental y el bienestar, dicen los líderes. Foto / Andrew Warner Motosierras, DJ, bricolaje, cortar el césped, ciclismo de montaña, jardinería, pescar y disfrutar de una cerveza fría. Así es como algunos directores ejecutivos, alcaldes y dueños de negocios se desahogan del … Read more