Excessive salt consumption can cause kidney failure, don’t ignore these symptoms seen on the body

Excessive salt consumption can cause kidney failure, don’t ignore these symptoms seen on the body

People who add too much salt to their food to enhance its taste should know that eating too much salt is very dangerous for their health. Consuming too much salt increases the risk of heart failure and kidney failure. Excessive use of salt in food is becoming the root cause of many dangerous diseases across … Read more

Do you also have the addiction of eating too much salt, do you know how much it destroys your life?

Do you also have the addiction of eating too much salt, do you know how much it destroys your life?

Just like breathing is necessary for life, salt is also necessary to enhance the taste of food. Salt is very important for fluid balance, nerve function and muscle functioning in our body. If there is a deficiency of salt i.e. sodium in our body, many basic functions like nerve signal transmission and maintenance of blood … Read more

चीनी ही नहीं नमक भी बढ़ा सकता है डायबिटीज, सुधार लें आदत वरना जकड़ लेंगी ये बीमारियां

चीनी ही नहीं नमक भी बढ़ा सकता है डायबिटीज, सुधार लें आदत वरना जकड़ लेंगी ये बीमारियां

Salt And Diabetes : डायबिटीज सबसे तेजी से बढ़ती क्रोनिक बीमारियों में से एक है. इसके मरीजों को खानपान का विशेष ख्याल रखना पड़ता है. डायबिटीज के मरीजों को शक्कर से बचने की सलाह दी जाती है. क्योंकि यह उनके ब्लड शुगर लेवल को काफी ज्यादा बढ़ा सकती है और उनकी समस्या गंभीर कर सकती है. … Read more

Do you also take salt from above in food, you will not even know and the disease will start

Do you also take salt from above in food, you will not even know and the disease will start

Not only sugar or salt, but eating anything in excess, many types of problems start in the body. By the way, today we will talk about the harm caused by eating more salt in food. Some people have a habit that no matter how tasty food you give them, they will eat it after taking … Read more