हार्ट अटैक या दिल की बीमारी से बचना है तो कम से कम नमक खाएं, 60 की उम्र में भी बने रहेंगे जवान:

हार्ट अटैक या दिल की बीमारी से बचना है तो कम से कम नमक खाएं, 60 की उम्र में भी बने रहेंगे जवान:

‘वर्ल्ड हेल्थ ऑर्गेनाइजेशन’ (World Health Organisation) ने नमक यानी सोडियम (Sodium) कितनी खानी चाहिए इसे लेकर एक रिपोर्ट शेयर किया है. इसमें बताया गया है कि पूरी दुनिया में आए दिन मौत के आंकड़े बढ़ रहे हैं उसमें सबसे बड़ा कारण काफी ज्यादा मात्रा में सोडियम खाना है. सोडियम शरीर के लिए सबसे जरूरी पोषक … Read more

Do you also take salt from above in food, you will not even know and the disease will start

Do you also take salt from above in food, you will not even know and the disease will start

Not only sugar or salt, but eating anything in excess, many types of problems start in the body. By the way, today we will talk about the harm caused by eating more salt in food. Some people have a habit that no matter how tasty food you give them, they will eat it after taking … Read more

How do we know if we are eating too much salt? Know what WHO says

How do we know if we are eating too much salt?  Know what WHO says

Daily Salt Intake: Salt and sugar are two of the most important tastes, which when taken in excess, pose a greater risk to health. Doctors always advise us against excessive intake of salt and sugar as it damages the major organs of the body. WHO recently explained how much salt you should eat and how … Read more