सर्दियों में क्यों खाया जाता है चने का सत्तू? जानें इसके फायदे

सर्दियों में क्यों खाया जाता है चने का सत्तू? जानें इसके फायदे

<p class="whitespace-pre-wrap">सर्दियों का मौसम आते ही हमारी डाइट में भी बदलाव आ जाता है. ठंड के मौसम में हमें ऐसा खाना चाहिए जो हमें गर्म रख सके और हमारी इम्यूनिटी को मजबूत बनाए. ऐसे में चने का सत्तू बहुत ही फायदेमंद साबित होता है. चने के सत्तू में कई ऐसे गुण मौजूद होते हैं जो … Read more

It’s Sattu Season and Here Are 5 Reasons to Make This Your Desi Summer Cooler

It’s Sattu Season and Here Are 5 Reasons to Make This Your Desi Summer Cooler

Home Health Sattu Benefits: 5 Reasons Why Sattu Is A Desi Healthy Summer Cooler You Must Try It is sattu season, from paranthas to drinks, refreshing desi food is here with various health benefits. The summer season is all about chilling out, relaxing by the pool and trying to surround ourselves with all that is … Read more

These are the 5 disadvantages of eating and drinking sattu, do not ignore them even by mistake

These are the 5 disadvantages of eating and drinking sattu, do not ignore them even by mistake

Sattu Side Effects For Health: Sattu is beneficial for health. Drinking it in summer is considered very beneficial. People like to drink its juice. Its drink is full of energy. Dieticians say that sattu has a cooling effect. In such a situation, the digestion which deteriorates due to the heat in summer is better by … Read more