IISc Bengaluru Develops Nanoparticle-Based Method To Detect, Destroy Cancer Cells

Home Health IISc Bengaluru Develops Nanoparticle-Based Method To Detect, Destroy Cancer Cells IISc scientists have proposed a novel method for cancer treatment which has the potential of detecting and killing of lung and cervical cancer cells at early stages. Representational Image (Pixabay) New Delhi: Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science(IISc) have reportedly developed a … Read more

Scientists Grows ‘Human Embryo Model’ Without Sperm Or Egg

Home Science Scientists Grows ‘Human Embryo Model’ Without Sperm Or Egg Scientists have grown an entity that closely resembles an early human embryo. The entity has been grown without using sperm, eggs, or a womb. Scientists Grows ‘Human Embryo Model’ Without Sperm Or Egg With the advancement of technology and innovative digital solutions, the healthcare … Read more

Scientist has prepared a new ‘robotic arm’, will print the organs inside the body! Learn how?

Robotic Arm: Scientists in Australia have developed a new soft ‘robotic arm’, which will be used to 3D print biomaterials directly from inside the human body. According to the information, this new robotic arm is small as well as very flexible. 3D bioprinting is a process in which biomedical parts are manufactured from bioinks to … Read more

What are the BQ.1 and BQ1.1 variants of Corona, they increased the tension of scientists and doctors

Corona Virus: Corona has wreaked havoc not only in the country but in the world. This virus, which originated from China in December of the year 2019, engulfed the whole world in the year 2020. In India, more people came under the grip of Delta, Omicron virus in the form of Kovid. But if we … Read more

This medicine is a panacea in the development of the fetus growing in the womb, scientists have started preparations to save it.

Ayurvedic Medicine: Trees and plants are the only medicines in Ayurveda. This method treats the human body by taking things from nature itself. But when the life of the trees growing in the lap of nature comes in danger, then steps need to be taken. This initiative is being taken by Banaras Hindu University (BHU). … Read more

US scientists created hybrid corona virus, five times more dangerous than Omicron

Hybrid Corona Virus Made By American Scientist: Ever since Corona has knocked, it has done nothing but devastation. One wave after another kept on coming and increasing the problems of the people. Every time a new variant of Corona comes out which is more dangerous than the previous one. In this sequence, American scientists have … Read more

What is the relationship between Khosta-2 and Kovid-19, why are scientists warning

Khosta-2 Virus connection with Covid-19: Sometimes in the form of SARS, sometimes Mars and sometimes in the form of Kovid-19, the viruses of the Corona family have been scaring the world at different times. Now another virus of this family has come to the fore, the name is Khosta-2. Experts first came to know about … Read more

Now breath can be taken not only through the nose but also from the anus, scientists have made a shocking claim

Breathe Out Of Your Bum: Lungs or gills are used in many animals to breathe in and out, although there are exceptions, loaches, catfish, and spiders breathe through the intestines when there is a lack of oxygen in their environment. A discovery by Japanese scientists has also proved it to be true that some animals … Read more