How much more dangerous is vaping than smoking? This loss can occur

How much more dangerous is vaping than smoking? This loss can occur

Vaping is generally considered less harmful than smoking cigarettes, but it is not without risks. E-cigarettes contain fewer toxic chemicals than tobacco cigarettes, but they do contain some potentially harmful chemicals. Vaping can cause side effects such as throat and mouth irritation, headaches, coughing, and nausea. Vaping causes lung disease The long-term effects of vaping … Read more

Smoking habit not only weakens the lungs but also the bones.

Smoking habit not only weakens the lungs but also the bones.

Side effects of smoking: Smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. This not only damages the lungs, but the bones also become hollow. As a result, the spinal cord is affected. Smoking can cause many serious diseases related to the spine. Research has shown that smoking can cause diseases such as spinal stenosis and disc … Read more

There are beedi and cigarette smokers living around you, do you know how dangerous they are for your heart?

There are beedi and cigarette smokers living around you, do you know how dangerous they are for your heart?

According to a study by the National Institute of Health, frequent smoking of cannabis can significantly increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, this research used data from approximately 435,000 American adults. And it’s one of the largest studies to date exploring the relationship between … Read more

Anti-Tobacco Day: 5 Ways How Second-Hand Smoking Can Be Dangerous – Expert Speaks!

Anti-Tobacco Day: 5 Ways How Second-Hand Smoking Can Be Dangerous – Expert Speaks!

Home Health Anti-Smoking Day: Five ways passive smoking can be dangerous: an expert speaks! Passive or passive smoking is dangerous in itself. An expert reveals how this can affect your body. Anti-Smoking Day: Five ways passive smoking can be dangerous: an expert speaks! (Freepik) Smoking is a deadly activity that can lead to lung cancer … Read more

Smoking can damage not only the lungs but also the brain

Smoking can damage not only the lungs but also the brain

Smoking Effects On Brain: Smoking has very bad effects on our health. This can lead to the risk of many serious diseases including cancer, heart attack and stroke. Despite being aware of its dangers, some people are unable to give up the habit of smoking. By the way, everyone associates smoking with lung diseases. But … Read more

What is bulla disease? pneumonitis

What is bulla disease?  pneumonitis

Lungs Disease: Smoking can cause cancer. Smoking is injurious to health. You must have seen these lines written in both English and Hindi. Similar warnings are written on every cigarette packet in very bold letters. But people ignore these warnings and keep smoking cigarettes and beedis. Some people become chainsmokers. One cigarette is not left … Read more

These changes appear as cigarette smoke enters the body.

These changes appear as cigarette smoke enters the body.

Cigarette Impact On Health: Every cigarette smoker is also well aware of how harmful cigarette smoking is to health. But still it is called that it does not leave or people do not want to leave. Some people say that smoking cigarettes gives peace to the mind and mind, but they do not know that … Read more

How much alcohol will do to your body in a week

How much alcohol will do to your body in a week

Smoking is very dangerous for health. This is not just a saying but a fact. If a person smokes cigarette, bidi and tobacco, drinks alcohol, then it directly affects the health. Not only this, respiratory diseases can also occur in many ways. New campaigns are launched every year to spread awareness among people about the … Read more