कॉम्बिनेशन स्किन का रखें खास ख्याल, जानें कैसे चुने अपने प्रोडक्ट

कॉम्बिनेशन स्किन का रखें खास ख्याल, जानें कैसे चुने अपने प्रोडक्ट

Combination Skin Care Routine : कम्बिनेशन स्किन का मतलब है मिश्रित या दोहरी प्रकृति की त्वचा. यह एक ऐसी स्किन कंडीशन होती है जहां त्वचा में तैलीय और सूखी दोनों तरह के क्षेत्र होते हैं. आमतौर पर T-ज़ोन (माथा, नाक और ठोड़ी) में अधिक तैल होता है जबकि गालों पर त्वचा सूखी रहती है. कॉम्बिनेशन … Read more

Never wash your face with direct tap water… Not only skin, hair will also be damaged in this way

Never wash your face with direct tap water… Not only skin, hair will also be damaged in this way

Tap Water Disadvantages For Skin: Paying attention to personal hygiene is as important for everyone as it is to eat to live. From washing face to bathing, we pay attention to many types of personal hygiene. However, there is one mistake, which most of the people are often seen doing and that mistake is to … Read more

‘Raw milk’ can improve the complexion of the face, by applying it you will get many tremendous benefits

‘Raw milk’ can improve the complexion of the face, by applying it you will get many tremendous benefits

Milk For Glowing Skin: Women make various efforts to keep their skin glowing. They use one to one expensive beauty products available in the market. Even if you get to see the benefits in the beginning by using external products. But these benefits will remain intact only till the time you use these products regularly. … Read more

Amla, ginger and cardamom tea will make your face glow, skin related problems will go away

Amla, ginger and cardamom tea will make your face glow, skin related problems will go away

Tea Benefits For Skin: There is no dearth of people around the world who start their day with tea. Tea not only helps in keeping the mood good, but also makes you feel refreshed. Indian people believe that tea has so much power that it can cure headache immediately. Patients of cold, cough and cold … Read more

Applying soap on the face should be a little careful… These 4 problems related to the skin can happen!

Applying soap on the face should be a little careful… These 4 problems related to the skin can happen!

Soap Side Effects On Skin: Most of the people use face wash to wash their face. Although the number of people who like to use soap to wash their face is also not less. Most people are unaware that applying soap on the face can damage the skin badly. Even though soap is a powerful … Read more

‘Walnut’ is very beneficial not only for health, but also for the skin! Just have to use like this

‘Walnut’ is very beneficial not only for health, but also for the skin!  Just have to use like this

Walnut Benefits For Skin: Dry fruits are beneficial for our health in many ways. This is the reason why doctors also advise to eat them. Dry fruits also include walnuts, which can go a long way in nourishing your health. It is a superfood, which can prove to be helpful in reducing weight. Health experts … Read more

Say goodbye to expensive beauty products, apply peels of these 5 vegetables on your face, you will get many benefits

Say goodbye to expensive beauty products, apply peels of these 5 vegetables on your face, you will get many benefits

Vegetable Peels On Skin: Everyone wants his skin to remain spotless and glowing. But due to the changing weather, pollution, sunlight, heat and other reasons, various problems related to the skin arise. However, thankfully there are home remedies which help in getting rid of all the problems from pimples to dark spots. Home remedies have … Read more

Do you use ‘ice water’ on your face? Know its disadvantages before doing this

Do you use ‘ice water’ on your face?  Know its disadvantages before doing this

Ice Water Facial: What people do not do to make the skin beautiful and glowing. Some use different types of paste and some try the recipe of ice water. As summer has arrived, many people will turn to cool things. Some people also use ice to keep the skin healthy in summer, such as applying … Read more